Thursday, February 23, 2012

Getting Difficult Tenants to Move on...

If your tenants are being difficult, and you're looking for a way to get them to move on without actually evicting them, you can try offering an incentive. For example, if they leave by a designated day, give them back some of their security deposit. Before you make the offer, however, calculate how much of the security deposit you'll need to cover lost rent and damage repair, then compare the overall cost of evicting your tenant to the incentive. Your incentive should be no less than $100.

You can offer to let the tenants store personal property for a month or two at no cost until they have a new place. So what if your basement gets a little crowded or your car sits out of the garage for the duration? Or you can rent a truck for a day so they can take their things to their new apartment.

Some tenants would be happy not to have you report them to the credit bureau. If they have an eviction on their credit report, it only makes it harder to find a landlord willing to give them a new apartment. Incentives like these may very well get them moving. It's illegal, however, to “force” or coerce tenants to leave by locking them out of the apartment, making the apartment uninhabitable, or threatening them. Such behavior can result in your having to pay a hefty fine.
If incentives don't work, start the eviction process with no further delay.

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