Monday, June 4, 2012

The Mini Blind Dilem: Clean or Replace

Sadly this is a recurring issue with rental property – should fully functional but very dirty mini blinds be cleaned after a tenant vacates or just replaced?
I have several cleaning vendors who nearly all say the same thing: “We will clean the blinds for you, but it will cost you more to clean them than it will to replace them.”
I understand that disposing of perfectly good items to save a buck is one of the reasons people in far lands despise our great Country… but try telling that to a property owner trying to maximize their annual yield while holding onto a rental property they are upside down in on their mortgage.

If anybody wants to weigh in on this issue I am happy to hear it.

Here are some additional thoughts from fellow professional property managers:

Dirty mini-blinds is no different than dirty carpets, counter tops and pottys… they should all be left in “Rent Ready” condition. We provide cleaning instructions both as an attachment to the Lease, as well as a copy upon move-out notice. Simply put – blinds (and windows) are expected to be clean. If not, our make-ready crew will clean them and the Tenant is then back-charged. J.S.

Replacing is cheaper for the clients so they should do that and then donate the blinds to the local GoodWill or some other charity who could use, clean and give to someone else. It would help the owner and someone else. L.A.

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