While there are many excellent accounting software programs out on the market today. The generic one size fits all application wasn't quite meeting the my needs as a property manager. Subsequently, I began the process of evaluating property based software and came across really great web source that reviewed many property software programs. You can visit www.thereibrian.com for a complete evaluation of property management software.
Many of these software programs offer a 15-30 day free trial. After reading all reviews, I chose a FREE web-based service called Rentec Direct. For a nominal fee you can upgrade your account for an enhanced version however the basic services that Rentec offers are outstanding. Set up for the units I have was very quick and user friendly. Once information is uploaded you can easily generate online reports that reflect profit and loss. Best of all since the software is web-based you have access to your files from any where you can get online. Additionally, you can set up tenant portals, so that your tenants can pay their rent online, check their account, and communicate with you online. Below is a description from www.rentecdirect.com
*Full bank, property and tenant accounting to keep your record keeping simple and accurate.
*Automatic ACH (electronic draft) support to automate and simplify receiving tenant rent payments.
*Publish vacancies online, complete with pictures, details and pricing.
*Tenant Screening provides you the security of knowing the history of each tenant you place as well as if they have past challenges paying bills.
*Online file management allows file storage related to tenants or properties safely and securely online
*Manage other recurring transactions such as: utility billing, landscaping or supplemental fees you may charge your tenants and let the software automatically generate the charges whether you're at a computer or not.
*You'll be up and running quickly making good use of the software without the expensive training required of other property management applications. The software is so easy to use you'll be up and running in 5-10 minutes.
*Easily manage tenants, their accounting and settings.
*Online software access anywhere in the world for you or your tenants With a single click, print a complete tax report of expenses associated with one or all properties to hand to your accountant at tax time.
*Many management reports to show your property performance.
*At a glance stats and graphs of current and historical property performance.
*Tenants have a special login to the management software to view their balance, when their rent is due, and ability to place repair requests.
When we say no risk, we mean it! All the basic functions necessary for a landlord or property management firm to manage rentals is included in our basic product which is free! We're not offering a time limited demo like everyone else, we're giving away the basic fully functional version of Rentec property management software for free. No obligation whatsoever. Our free version even includes our new file library to store and backup your important files online (online backup companies and desktop software charge for this, we include it at no cost). Take a product tour today to discover how valuable this software is for property managers / landlords.