Thursday, March 1, 2012

Building a Plastic Square Bubble

I love making upgrades and repairing empty apartments. Any dust that you create doesn't end up being an a issue to anyone except you and the crew. However there are times when repairs need to be made on occupied premises or a long term tenant is due for an apartment spruce up. Until recently I would haul dozens of drop clothes, reams of plastic and rolls of low tack masking tape and proceed to block off and cover surfaces to keep an occupied apartment clean and dust free. But now...........

I finally invested in the "ZipWall Dust Barrier System" This has to be one of the best purchases I have ever made. For years I put off buying what amounts to 4 telescoping poles because I felt the "system" was too pricey. Boy was I wrong. The ZipWall system paid for it self the first day of use, which happened to be Today!

Set up was takes minute as opposed to a few hours of "securing the worksite".
The ZipWall tension spring loaded poles allow you to create a plastic square bubble prevents dust from spreading through out the home. Subsequently, clean up is a zip. And best of all there are no upset calls from sneezing tenants.



  1. Replies
    1. How very perceptive of you to point that out. I forgot to mention that they system also comes with self adhesive zippers so that you can install a door with ease. I think the company could improve on the zipper by making the cloth part of the zipper wider so that it attaches to the plastic with a better. I plan on reusing the zipper provided but modifying it with carpet tape on both sides of the zipper making it wider. Also carpet tape is significantly sticker.
